Mansi Shah

Collectible Design
        Mouth Chair, 2018
        Place, Space, 2023
        Tiled Low Side Tables, 2023
        Tiled Chair, 2023
        Tiled Coffee Table, 2023

       Home, House, 2023
       Playgrounds (forthcoming)
       Machines (forthcoming)

Select Exhibitions
        Three Little Pigs (forthcoming)
        Compound YV (2023)
        Superhouse (2021)
        Marta (2020)
        Hem (2019)

Info —
Mansi Shah is a South Asian artist & designer representing the alchemy of image-making through color, form & material explorations.

View CV →  IG →

Object Permanence at Hem (2019)

Untitled (2019) at Object Permanence at Hem Showroom
Co-curated by Leah Ring and Holland Denvir, Object Permanence is an exhibition series that was created with the intent of highlighting Los Angeles design talent. Each iteration of Object Permanence revolves around individual interpretations of a specific prompt, keeping the brief loose and allowing participants the freedom to express their vision and highlight their particular expertise in a broad range of materials.

Edition 1 prompted 11 designers to create candle holders that were exhibited at the Hem Showroom on March 2019.

Artists included: Alex Reed, Another Human, Bianco Light & Space, Jackie Rines, Januari, Laun, Matt Hunt, Mansi Shah, Norma, Objects for Objects, Wrk-shp